XPMS is a best-in-class bioinformatics and precision medicine software solution that provides valuable healthcare insights and benefits to doctors and patients.
We take as input DNA sequencing files from clinical-grade Whole Genome Sequencing (x30, x60, x100), Whole Exome Sequencing, or microarray sequencing. Our proprietary bioinformatics pipeline processes those files and compares known biomarkers with the latest scientific research to produce the best personalized medical reports in the market. Our system is cloud and web-based allowing easy uploading of sequencing files and other relevant data, as well as easy access to the reports by doctors and patients.
We are currently providing seven types of medical reports: Metabolic, Oncology, Cardiovascular, Colorectal cancer, Prostate cancer, Wellbeing, and Pharmacogenomics (PGx). In addition to these we also provide 36 clinical reports for single gene 36 clinical reports for single gene implicated in familial rare diseases in a wide range of anatomy groupings, such as blood and immune, cardiovascular, sensory organs, endocrine, gastrointestinal, mental, skin, bone and muscle, nephrological, neuronal reproductive and respiratory diseases.
We can easily and quickly develop more reports according to our customer needs. Our reports include an easy to read and understand “summary of results”, as well as a very detailed section that includes a full bibliography of scientific sources. Our reports also include basic information on DNA sequencing and genes to help patients and doctors better understand how to use the reports in the context of a wider preventive or therapeutic regimen.
We can provide an end-to-end service that includes the collection of patient samples and the sequencing of their DNA in one of the world-class sequencing labs that we are partnering with. We can also process DNA sequencing data from our customers’ labs, if they prefer.
Our system is very flexible in the way it can support our customers’ workflows and practices. We can process sequencing data from our customers’ own or preferred labs. Customers may access our SaaS solution or deploy our system on their own cloud or premises.
We ensure patient data privacy and security in every step of our processes and systems, by paying particular attention to the data privacy laws and regulations of our customers’ jurisdictions.
For additional information please email us at: info@xeomics.com